Get Involved!
As a Parent/Guardian, you are an important part of your cadet's success!
Although the Squadron does receive funds for the core training and uniforms from the Department of National Defence, extra fun activities are paid for using funds raised by the squadron.
You can help out the Squadron by joining the Support Committee and help to plan and run important fund raising events such as Tag Days or our annual Bottle Drives or Dinner Fundraisers!
For more information about how to join, contact the Sponsoring Committee at

Twice a year, our cadets do a fundraiser called "tagging" where they go out to different stores and other public locations, and collect donations from the public. These donations help to fund our always increasing Squadron activities from gliding days to citizenship trips, and almost everything in-between!
If you're a parent or guardian of a cadet, and would be interested in volunteering to support a tag day, contact the sponsoring committee at
Bottle Drive
Every year, the Squadron participates in a bottle drive to help raise funds for future activities.
for more information on this fundraiser, email your questions to!